专家介绍 - Youjun Yang (CASE)

a School of Pharmacy, East China University of Science and Technology,

Meilong Rd. 130, Shanghai, 200237 China

Email: youjunyang@ecust.edu.cn     

Web: http://fluoresville.com


He got his bachelor’s degree from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and PhD from Louisiana State University (LSU) under the guidance of Prof. Robert M. Strongin, with a focus on xanthene and benzoxanthene synthesis. He then did postdoctoral study with Prof. Eric V. Anslyn in the University of Texas at Austin. In 2010, he started his independent career in the School of Pharmacy of East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in Shanghai. The theme of his research is the development of dyes and probes for bioimaging and theranostics.