Prof. Jingxuan Zhou, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China
Biography: Prof. Zhou is the professor and doctoral supervisor in the school of environmental science and engineering, Huazhong university of science and technology (HUST). In 34 years of his teaching peorid, Zhou completed more than 30 scientific research tasks and wrote 8 books about environmental protection equipment development, noise control, environmental planning, system engineering, sustainable development and strategic environmental assessment and other fields.
In 1997 - 1998, as the visiting scholar, he studied in the department of industrial and ecological security, Bauman university of technology in Moscow, Russia.
From 2000 to 2014, he was the dean, also the chairman of degree and academic committee of the school, and the member of the environmental engineering teaching steering committee of national education ministry, the member of Hubei environmental academic council.
The water saving vacuum toilet and sewage collector system were research conducted for a long time. There are two researches passing expert appraisal by the committee of science and technology of Hubei province. He got three national invention patents, and four utility model patents.
At the recent decade Zhou focused on the research of environmental planning, especially environmental capacity, carrying capacity, ecosystem service and ecocompensation. It strengthens environmental constraint on urban development.
Speech Title: Coming soon......
Abstract: Coming soon......
Prof. T.F. Xu, Jilin University, China
Speech Title: Subsurface Reactive Transport Modeling: Applications to Energy and Environment Problems
Abstract: The assessment of waste disposals, the study of groundwater pollutions, and the understanding of natural groundwater quality patterns require reactive transport modeling (RTM) to consider both the transport of heat and dissolved species as well as their complex interactions with the solid (or other) phases of the engineering barriers and geological formation. The RTM is a necessary tool for analyzing, evaluating, and predicting subsurface coupled processes of physics, chemistry and microbiology in the shallow earth system. In the past several decades, a number of methods and techniques have been developed to address this complex issue. This talk will briefly review the theory and method of the RTM. Then, couples of examples regarding the groundwater quality occurrence, CO2 geological storage, geothermal energy development, and submarine biogeochemical processes will be presented.
Prof. S. Harpalani, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
Biography: Dr. S. Harpalani is a Professor of Engineering at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He earned his Ph.D. from University of California Berkeley, M.S. from Virginia Tech and B. Tech (Honors) from the Indian Institute of Technology. Starting with his Doctoral work at UC Berkeley in 1984, he has devoted his entire career to studying flow in deep rocks, with emphasis on unconventional gas recovery, enhanced recovery of gas and charging depleted gas reservoirs. His primary area of specialization is evaluating pressure-dependent-permeability in a laboratory environment, replicating in situ conditions, and modeling the flow behavior. Dr. Harpalani has a long list of peer-reviewed journal papers, conference proceedings and presentations. During last fifteen years, he has secured external funding in excess of US$ 7 Million for his research from various sources of funding, including federal government and industry. He has a state-of-the-art laboratory for flow characterization which is one-of-its-kind in North America.
Speech Title: Coming soon......
Abstract: Coming soon......
Prof.C.N. Huang, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Biography: Prof. C.N. Huang is a principal investigator on numerous Engineering, Industry, and National Science Council (NSC) funded research grants. His current academic research, all undertaken in collaboration with industry, embraces Knowledge Integrated Design and Manufacture, optimization technology, green energy development and applications, control planning and intelligent manufacturing system.
C.N. Huang is an external examiner to a number of leading academic Departments, to the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI), and to the National Science Council (NSC) in TW, is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ), respectively. C.N. Huang is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Science and Engineering (IJSE), has chaired and served as member of the organizing committees of several international conferences, and has a long experience of acting as a consultant to industry in the fields of control technology, system automation, and new energy applications, etc.. He owns 20 patents, is an International Invention Award winner in 2013, and has published over 70 papers in academic journals and international conferences.
Speech Title: Coming soon......
Abstract: Coming soon......