
1st Round Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the 11th International Conference Interfaces Against Pollution(IAP2020) will be held in Wuhan, CHINA, on June 14th-17th 2020, organized by the Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan University and the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Following previous successful IAP editions, IAP2020 provides a forum for academic researchers and industries working in the interdisciplinary field of environmental science and technology, with emphasis on the roles played by colloids and interfaces in complex environmental processes and media, and in environmental sustainability.


The scope of IAP2020 includes topics of societal concerns as diverse as environmental protection, (bio)remediation of polluted sites, optimization of mineral resources, impacts of nanotechnology products on aquatic media and biota, fate and toxicity of pollutants in environmental aquatic and soil systems. Adequate investigation of these issues requires joint experimental and theoretical expertise from geoscientists, biologists, chemists and physical chemists. The Scientific and Organizing Committees of IAP2020 welcome fundamental and solution-oriented research contributions representing notable steps towards the understanding and control of interfacial and colloidal processes operative in model, engineered, or natural systems.

    The IAP2020 conference will be located in Wuhan, an attractive city in central China. The Yangtze River and its greatest branch, the Hanshui River, flow across Wuhan and the city is surrounded by hundreds of lakes. Wuhan has a history of over 3500 years and was in ancient China the center of Chu Culture. Beautiful artifact (e. g., Marquis Yi chime bells) from this time can be admired in the Hubei Provincial Museum. There are also many other places of interest and scenic spots such as the famous Yellow Crane Tower, the old ‘western’ city, the old city hall and parc, modern luxury shopping malls and East Lake.

    The Local Organizing Commitee warmly welcomes you at IAP2020.

    For more information, plesae read  the 1st Round Announcement in the attachment below.

iap2020-wuhan_first announcement.pdf



Abstract submission deadline



Abstract submission



Registration open



Early-bird registration deadline



On-site registration and welcome reception

Chuanqing Huang

+86 15927458752


Shu Zhu

+86 18694040671
